Why You Need a Business Lawyer Even for a Startup ~ Los Angeles Lawyer Articles

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Why You Need a Business Lawyer Even for a Startup

Every business needs a strong legal foundation. If the legal fine print of the partnership agreement, shareholder matters and other issues are not defined properly, you could find yourself in a position where you're involved in ugly litigation, needing the services of an attorney. Unfortunately California business litigation lawyers often come across people who rush into startups or small businesses without bothering to have an attorney involved. A business lawyer can help you get it right at the very outset.

A business of almost any size can benefit from having a business attorney at the start. However, having a lawyer on board is absolutely imperative when you are starting a partnership. Often, people enter into partnership agreements without really thinking through partnership issues. As a result, a few years down the line, they get entangled in nasty disputes that can quickly get ugly. Having a business lawyer on board right at the outset can help prevent such disputes, and outline the steps to be taken to resolve a dispute when it does arise.

You also need a Los Angeles business attorney on board if you have ambitious plans for the future and expect your company to grow rapidly. With rapid growth can come rapid challenges and friction within a company. A business lawyer has experience setting up all kinds of businesses, and has seen firsthand the challenges that can arise in the future. He can help you avoid these challenges, or prepare you adequately for dealing with them. A business lawyer is also absolutely necessary when you're signing a shareholder agreement.

Needless to mention, an attorney will cost you less if you hire one at the time of setting up the business than if you go looking for one to resolve the dispute.

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