Growing up with Siblings Lowers Risk of Divorce ~ Los Angeles Lawyer Articles

Friday, August 30, 2013

Growing up with Siblings Lowers Risk of Divorce

If you have been lucky enough to grow up with multiple siblings, it lowers the risk of filing for divorce later in life. That finding comes from a new study that was conducted by researchers at Ohio State University, which also finds that the risk of divorce drops with the number of siblings that the person has.
The researchers found that there was no difference in the divorce risk of a person with just one or two siblings, and only child. There was no difference in the risk of divorce among these people. However, the picture changed dramatically when more siblings were added to the picture. When the researchers compared children brought up in large families with those who were only children, they found a significant gap in the likelihood of divorce.
This difference in divorce rates depending on the size of the family is not exactly surprising to Los Angeles divorce lawyers. If you have been brought up in a large family, you are used to frequently sharing space and attention with other siblings in the family, and will probably find it easier to navigate the sometimes difficult and muddled waters after marriage. You're probably more likely to compromise, and more open to looking at another person's point of view. That makes for a more successful marriage and a lower risk of divorce.
The researchers however were surprised at how significant the difference was between people, who have large families, and those who were only children or had just one or two siblings. The research was based on more than 57,000 adults across the United States.

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