Troubling Increase in Dog Bite Claim Values ~ Los Angeles Lawyer Articles

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Troubling Increase in Dog Bite Claim Values

While the numbers of dog bite claims that have been filed over the years have remained more or less constant with slight fluctuations, the value of these claims has increased substantially. 
According to the Insurance Information Institute, over the past decade, the value of dog bite claims has skyrocketed, accounting for $489.7 million in value in 2012 alone.  According to the data, which was released to time with National Dog Bite Prevention Week in May, over the past 10 years, the number of dog bite insurance claims has gone from 16,695 in 2011 from 16,459 in 2001.  That is hardly a statistically significant difference.  However, the picture is markedly different when you consider the value of the claims. 
In 2012, the value of dog bite claims accounted for approximately $489.7 million, accounting for more than one third of all homeowner’s liability insurance claims that were paid out in 2012.  In contrast, in 2003 the value of dog bite claims was approximately $324.2 million.  This is in spite of the fact that in 2003, there were actually a few hundred more dog bite claims than in 2012. 
The average claim payout increased from $19,162 in 2003 to a $29,752 in 2012.  That is an increase of 55%.
The Insurance Information Institute advises dog owners to be responsible with their dogs to avoid claims. Don’t assume that small dogs don't bite, and may not be involved in a vicious incident, resulting in a claim against you.  Even dogs that are normally docile can bite when they are disturbed, when they feel threatened or when they feel hungry.  Many owners of dog unfortunately get pets without bothering to understand responsible ownership practices.  This often has devastating consequences.

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