Very few cities in America have the dynamic that Las Vegas does when it comes to traffic. You have freeways that run right through the middle of the city and 10 lanes of city traffic when you get down near the strip. When you consider the fact that there are tens of thousands of pedestrians walking from casino to casino, the danger really becomes apparent. Every year visitors to and residents of Las Vegas get injured by a vehicle collision or as a pedestrian crossing the street.
Las Vegas has an inordinate amount of service vehicles ranging from taxi cabs to stretch Hummer limousines. These vehicles add an extra element of danger due to their size, maneuverability and limited vision. The passengers in a limousine are rarely buckled in which means there is a very high risk for injury even if the limousine crashes at low speed. Any motor vehicle accident is dangerous but limousines and taxis add another degree of risk.
Taxi drivers commonly rush from fare to fare with little regard for the rules of the road. Pedestrians may lose sight of the threat as they get lost in the lights of Las Vegas Blvd. It is best to avoid crossing the streets in Las Vegas if you can help it. There are many bridges that avoid crosswalks where you can be injured. The biggest part of enjoying Las Vegas is staying safe while you're there.
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