Monday, November 30, 2009
You're Fired!!! What is Wrongful Termination?
There are still some cases that do not fit within those neat little guidelines. One of those situations is considered retaliation against an employee. Sometimes an employee will discover that his or her company is doing something illegal. Or, in some cases, bring some harmful information to light. The company should look at this as a positive move by the employee. After all, if the company is doing something wrong, they should do everything they can to correct it. If instead, they fire that employee that blew the whistle on them, there could be a case of wrongful termination.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Mechanical Complications and Pilot Error
When you think about recovering money to pay for medical expenses and other expenses after a plane crash, you likely think that the pilot or airline will need to be the cause of the accident. The truth, however, is that there are also laws governing parts and products installed on airplanes. This is true for both commercial flights and smaller chartered planes. If you have been injured in an aviation accident, an attorney can help determine the cause of the accident and can help you seek reimbursement for all present and future expenses.
While pilot error and air traffic control errors have been responsible for many accidents, part failure is another common cause of place crashes. It is important to understand that aviation accidents are rare, but that there is certainly a cause to be found when one occurs. If the crash that you were involved in stems from the direct failure of parts that cannot be attributed to the airline mechanics, your attorney will be able to help you and other passengers take action against the manufacturer.
When taking action against the maker of the plane’s parts, you will find that you can be entitled to reimbursement for medical expenses, emotional trauma and treatment, lost wages, and other damages. The judge or jury in your case will be responsible for determining if the faulty part could have benefited from an alternate design or if it was considered unreasonably dangerous. They will also decide if the pilot will be held equally responsible for the accident. In any case, your lawyer will know all of the right moves necessary to ensure that your damages are compensated and that you receive the treatment and assistance that you need to help you recover from the accident.
Aviation law is designed to help keep all passengers and crew safe while on the aircraft. These laws are rigidly designed and offer protection for all victims of airline accidents. When you contact a qualified and experienced aviation lawyer, you will learn how product liability laws can serve to help you receive the compensation that you need and deserve. Faulty equipment can be dangerous or even deadly, and the law will certainly work to not only help you receive reimbursement for expenses and injuries, but to take legal and legislative action to help keep the same situation from occurring again in the future.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Hidden Assets In a Messy Divorce

A divorce is a trying time for everybody involved. There are emotional and financial stresses around every corner. If you add kids to the mix, it becomes even more traumatic. Divorce in Los Angeles has very specific rules under California guidelines. Most assets are to be distributed 50/50 amongst the two parties. But, what if some of the assets are hidden.
In some cases a husband or wife may try to hide their pension, stock, cash or other income and assets from the other party. It is possible that the party being deceived knows nothing about the assets. In these cases it takes an experienced family law attorney to follow the paper trail in order to gain access to those funds. A private detective may need to be hired if the situation calls for such measures.
If you are getting a divorce, make sure to hire a good family law attorney in Los Angeles. Hopefully you are able to come to an amicable resolution between you and your spouse. If you do have doubts make sure you have someone in your corner who understand what rocks need to be overturned to find all of the assets that you have between you and your soon to be ex.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Aviation Law, The FAA and Aviation Attorneys
The NTSB, or National Transportation Safety Board, is responsible for investigating all aviation accidents. This board is designed to handle suits filed against the FAA as well as to propose changes to aviation laws that will improve safety for pilots, workers, and passengers. While the NTSB does not have the power to enforce their findings, legislators have a strong history of following them, partially due to the agency’s ongoing reputation for fair and thorough investigations.
The FAA is the other agency that creates a large part of aviation law. The FAA is designed to regulate all aviation standards and safety laws. The agency has the power to enforce all regulations as well as to revise regulations in order to create a safer environment for travel. The FAA is a part of the Department of Transportation of the United States Government.
If you are involved in an aviation accident, both of these agencies will investigate the accident. Contacting an aviation attorney will help to protect your rights and will help ensure that you are kept abreast of any findings related to your crash. Your attorney will help to determine if the pilots, mechanics, airlines, or even governing agencies are responsible for your crash and can help you recover damages for physical and emotional injuries suffered as a result of your crash.
Your attorney needs to be very experienced when it comes to the rules surrounding aviation law, which means that they will be able to provide you with much assistance. Your lawyer will help to ensure that the accident is investigated thoroughly and that any responsible party is brought to light. This can prove greatly beneficial to any victim seeking to be compensated for medical expenses or lost wages.
When you decide to contact an aviation attorney, you should be prepared to answer any questions fully and honestly. Your compliance with your attorney can help your case move forward quickly and can help your lawyer work to preserve and uphold your rights. Aviation law can be confusing and complicated, but with a qualified attorney on your side, you can work to protect yourself and your rights.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Distracted Driving Is Becoming a Dangerous Practice
Driving while under the influence alcohol has been demonized by everyone from MADD (Mother's Against Drunk Driving) to ex-offenders who preach the dangers that people pose when they are drunk behind the wheel.
Today's threat can walk a straight line and pass a breathalyzer test but is just as dangerous. Distracted driving is the new term given to people who are doing everything BUT driving. They may be texting, shaving, putting on make up or eating while behind the wheel of a moving vehicle.
Distracted driving takes the drivers' attention away from the road and onto what ever they are doing. This practice was always around but has really spiked significantly with the introduction of cell phones and the ability to text. Accidents are caused by texting while driving. There are thousands of cases when someone actually hits another car or person while they are "harmlessly texting" on their phone.
If you allow yourself to be distracted while you're driving you need to make a conscientious effort to stop. Even if you're a saint behind the wheel, you need to drive defensively to protect yourself from the people who are only spend half their time looking at the road.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Out of State Fathers' Rights Attorney based in Los Angeles

Elena Mebtahi has made a successful practice by helping out of state fathers' who are in arrears with their child support payments. She is protecting fathers' rights so they can see their children and makes sure they are treated fairly. In many cases Elena never meets the clients she is helping since they have moved to other cities or states. Her expertise in this field has allowed her to offer a great service without the inconvenience of her clients having to come back to California.
The typical client of Elena may be in arrears for child support and need to make a modification to their payments. In some cases, a father may have lost his drivers' license or had his wages garnished. These are the exact issues that Elena can help with, without the fathers' having to pay the costs of going back and forth from the state.
Elena has a very informative website that covers subjects like:
- back due child support
- warrants for fathers in arrears
- suspended drivers' license
- visitation for fathers
- paternity
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence in Los Angeles?

Being falsely accused of anything can be frustrating but when an untrue accusation can tear your life and family apart it becomes very serious. Unfortunately accusing a spouse or significant other of spousal abuse can be used as a "power play". Since these allegations are often a he said/she said incident it is hard to prove your innocence. Even if the charges are dropped the report can be used against a father who is trying to receive more visitation rights with his children.
A spouse or girlfriend may even call the police because they have been hurt emotionally. Their partner may have cheated on them and they see this as a way to get back at them. This type of retaliation can cause great harm to the person who has been falsely accused of spousal abuse. The plaintiff, even if wrong, may not withdraw the charges to keep themselves from getting into trouble. If they admit guilt it may even affect their visitation rights with their children.
These situations are difficult because of the emotions that are involved between two people and often their kids. Fighting a false accusation requires an experienced domestic violence attorney who understands the law.
Las Vegas Car Accidents

Very few cities in America have the dynamic that Las Vegas does when it comes to traffic. You have freeways that run right through the middle of the city and 10 lanes of city traffic when you get down near the strip. When you consider the fact that there are tens of thousands of pedestrians walking from casino to casino, the danger really becomes apparent. Every year visitors to and residents of Las Vegas get injured by a vehicle collision or as a pedestrian crossing the street.
Las Vegas has an inordinate amount of service vehicles ranging from taxi cabs to stretch Hummer limousines. These vehicles add an extra element of danger due to their size, maneuverability and limited vision. The passengers in a limousine are rarely buckled in which means there is a very high risk for injury even if the limousine crashes at low speed. Any motor vehicle accident is dangerous but limousines and taxis add another degree of risk.
Taxi drivers commonly rush from fare to fare with little regard for the rules of the road. Pedestrians may lose sight of the threat as they get lost in the lights of Las Vegas Blvd. It is best to avoid crossing the streets in Las Vegas if you can help it. There are many bridges that avoid crosswalks where you can be injured. The biggest part of enjoying Las Vegas is staying safe while you're there.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Suspected Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

After an investigation, no leaks were found at the Coronado church. Authorities are still looking for the cause of this mysterious incident.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Questions for a divorce lawyer
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Divorce Attorney Thousand Oaks

Monday, April 6, 2009
Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Howard Kornberg

Thursday, March 26, 2009
What to do when your parent dies without a will

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Los Angeles Brain Injury Attorney

One area that Attorney Patrick Bailey knows a lot about is the area of personality changes concerning a traumatic brain injury. It takes an incredible amount of experience and knowledge to be able to research these cases to obtain a successful result.
Negligent Security Attorney in Arizona

Arizona Attorneys Snyder and Wenner have dedicated an entire website to protecting Arizona citizens who have been injured due to negligent security.
Their informative website points out some of the more common places that these crimes can occur and even has a page on how to prevent violent crimes. This page gives advice to business owners about creating a safe environment for their employees and the general public.
This website is a great resource for someone who has been injured due to negligent security. But more importantly, it explains how you can prevent it from happening in the first place.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Doctors, Lawyers and Shoes.
I work with several attorneys who have carved out very specific niches for themselves due to the particular experience they have gained in one area or another. One attorney I work with has handled several small business issues with coin laundry owners and has dedicated a page to his website to the subject. Another firm with a wealth of knowledge on Avandia Injuries has done the same thing.
Both of these firms have set themselves apart from other attorneys by knowing more about one subject than the majority of their peers. As a result, you get better representation for your specific issue.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Marketing in a Down Market
Spend Wisely
In the past you may have gotten away with a shotgun approach to marketing. Trying a little TV, Yellow Pages, Internet and Radio may have made sense. With the flexibility that the internet provides, it is you best bet for getting the most bang for you buck.
A quick example. If you invest into a radio campaign that costs you several thousand dollars. As soon as your last ad goes over the airwaves, you campaign is finished. You have no chance of gaining anymore clients until you run another ad. The same goes for TV and other print media. The Yellow Pages are almost dead and once your ad is inserted, you can't change it.
Advertising online allows you to be dynamic with the information provide. You can market to consumers looking for help with loan modifications one day and people who are opening up business the next. Choosing not to market will seal your fate. So choose to market wisely instead.