Friday, September 27, 2013

Little Change in Gender Wage Gap over the years

According to new statistics released by the Census Bureau, American female workers continue to make less money than males for the same amount of work. In short, California employment lawyers find that there hasn't been much change in the status quo as far as gender differences in wages over the past decade are concerned.
According to the statistics, women continue to make 76.5 cents for every dollar, in male wages in 2012. A male worker enjoyed median annual earnings of approximately $49,398 last year, compared with median annual earnings of $37,791 for female workers. The previous year, women earned approximately $.77 for every one dollar men did for the same work.
It wasn't always like this. Back in the 1980s and 1990s, there was significant progress made in narrowing down the wage gap between the genders. However, in the early 2000s, that momentum stalled and there hasn't been a lot of progress since. According to some experts, this is probably because some of the initial factors that were credited with narrowing down the gender differences in wage, including education and legislation, have lost some of their potency.
In other words, female education levels now are very much on par with male education levels, but that fact on its own does not seem to be sufficient to change wage trends, which currently dictate that males get paid more for the same kind of work.   Even so, there has been sufficient progress since the 1980s, when women were paid 60.2 cents for every one dollar that males did.  
There is some good news in the statistics. There seems to have been some progress made in narrowing down the gender gap among younger workers. In 2012, women in the 15 to 24 age group made $ .88 for every dollar that males did. Among women in the 25 to 44 group, the amount fell to $ .81, and in the 45 to 64 group, the amount was $ .74 for every dollar.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Is a Prenuptial Agreement for You?

You don't have to be a multimillionaire or a celebrity to get a prenuptial agreement. Any person who earns well or believes that his potential to earn significantly will increase in the near future, should get a prenuptial agreement to protect his interests.
Prenuptial agreements are also highly recommended if you own your business, or are part of a business, or have other assets that can be at risk of division in the event of a divorce.
Ideally, a prenuptial agreement is highly recommended if one of the partners has a vastly different financial situation from the other. In other words, if your partner or spouse earns much less than you, then a prenuptial agreement will protect your financial interests.
Prenuptial agreements are not just for those who want to protect their rights in the event of a divorce. It is also for those who want to outline and define their financial obligations and responsibilities over the course of the marriage. For instance, you want to divide how the bills will be paid, and a prenuptial agreement can help you do that.
You also need to get a prenuptial agreement if this is your second or third marriage, and if you are bringing children from a previous marriage, or your assets that were accumulated previously into your current marriage.
If your partner has any kind of debt, you may want to consider signing a prenuptial agreement, in order to avoid being saddled with his or her loans in the event of a divorce. This can happen very easily, and a prenup can help protect against any liability from the debts that a spouse brings into the marriage.

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